Donna Campbell

Donna Campbell, a long time Ventura Realtor passed away at 3:50 PM on August 21, 2012. Donna was the mother of two son’s, Kent and Kory who were with her at the time of her passing.

A memorial service is planned for May 2013 in her home town of Pella, Iowa during the Tulip Time festival. If you knew Donna, please share your thoughts using the form below.


2 Responses to Donna Campbell

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  2. Nadine Frymann

    Memories — my liftle sister Donna: I remember Donna as a child about 5-6 yrs old. She liked to make mud cakes and put them in fruit jar lids and set them in the sun – she later frosted them with ashes mixed with water. She also had a curiosity of how can a chicken sit on a roost and fall asleep. She tried sleeping on one of the roost. She also as a child liked horses and would have make belief horses out of broken tree branches. She would take branches and brake them into sticks and use them as her horses. She galloped all over the barnyard with them and would set them against the back of the chicken house to rest. She loved cats and would dress them in doll clothes and wheel them in a doll buggy over the barnyard. Donna had a great imagination. She was a great home maker and loved to bake and sew. She loved the farm life which she had in Ventura where she raised a pig for the family. She loved as she called it “the dirt”. I will miss my little sister. Nadine (Sisser)

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